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Amal Clooney Net Worth and Professional Human Rights Lawyer

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Amal Clooney Net Worth and Professional Human Rights Lawyer

Celebrity at a Glance

Name Amal Clooney
Net Worth $50 million
Birth Date February 3, 1978
Birth Place Beirut, Lebanon
Gender Female
Height 1.74 m
Profession Barrister, Book Editor, Human Rights Activist
Nationality British, Lebanese

Amal Clooney, a British international human rights lawyer, was born on February 3, 1978. Her clients include former president of the Maldives Mohamed Nasheed, Australian Julian Assange, former prime minister of Ukraine Yulia Tymoshenko, Iraqi human rights activist Nadia Murad, Filipino-American journalist Maria Ressa, Azerbaijani journalist Khadija Ismayilova, Egyptian-Canadian journalist Mohamed Fahmy, and Iraqi human rights activist Nadia Murad.

She teaches law as an adjunct at Columbia Law School and has held positions with the United Nations and the Government of the United Kingdom. The American actor George Clooney, her spouse, and she co-founded the Clooney Foundation for Justice in 2016.

Amal Clooney was named Special Advisor to the International Criminal Court (ICC) for the Sudanese difficulty in Darfur in September 2021.

Look at Amal Clooney’s career history, awards, and net worth.

Amal Clooney Net Worth 2024

Amal Clooney’s net worth is estimated to be $50 million.

  • Legal work: A significant amount of Clooney's success comes from her legal work as a barrister at Doughty Street Chambers.
  • Teaching and Academic Work: Her income has been derived from her writing and lecture engagements.
  • Speaking in public: Famous speeches have opened up new sources of income.
  • Media Rights: Occasionally, the media takes an interest in her cases, which may result in profitable deals and interviews.

Real Estate

George Clooney, Amal's spouse, has a sizable real estate holdings. Their properties are located in the United States and the United Kingdom. A $13 million mansion in England and a villa in Lake Como are two of their largest homes. The pair used to own a holiday property in San Lucas, Mexico, and Clooney now owns a $13 million mansion in Laglio, Italy.

Biography and Personal Life

Clooney is both a British and a Lebanese citizen. She speaks Arabic, French, and English with comfort. She first met American actor George Clooney in July 2013 through a mutual friend, and the two were engaged on April 28, 2014.

The couple married on August 7, 2014, in London's Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea. Two days following their well-known weddings, the couple married on September 27, 2014, at Ca' Farsetti in Venice; Walter Veltroni, an Italian politician and Clooney's friend, conducted the wedding. Veltroni was the deputy prime minister of his native country from 1996 to 1998 and the mayor of Rome from 2001 to 2008.

The Talk, an American talk show on television, revealed that Clooney had planned in February 2017. Shortly later, the family's friend, American actor Matt Damon, announced the pregnancy on the show Entertainment Tonight. Ella and Alexander, Clooney's boy and girl fraternal twins, were born in June 2017.

Full Name

Amal Ramzi Alamuddin Clooney


February 3, 1978

Birth place

Beirut, Lebanon


British, Lebanese


Barrister, Book Editor, Human Rights Activist


46 years


1.74 m

Early Life

On February 3, 1978, Amal Alamuddin was born in Beirut, Lebanon. Her mother is a Sunni Muslim from Lebanon, while her father is a Druze Lebanese. Her family left the Lebanese Civil War when she was two years old and made their way to the UK, where they lived in Buckinghamshire's Gerrard’s Cross. From her father's first marriage, she has two half-brothers and one sister, Tala Alamuddin.

Her father Ramzi Alamuddin is from Baakleen in the Chouf District and is a member of the Alam al-Din dynasty. One year after the Lebanese Civil War ended, in 1991, he returned to Lebanon after earning his MBA from the American University of Beirut.

The Sunni father of her mother Baria comes from Tripoli in the North Governorate. She worked for the Saudi-owned newspaper al-Hayat as a foreign editor and political journalist. She is the founder of International Communication Experts, a PR company that is a division of a bigger business that focuses on booking celebrities as guests, publicity shots, and event marketing.

Professional career

Clooney has the right to practice law in both England and Wales as well as the United States. In 2002, she was admitted to the New York bar. Clooney was admitted to the Inner Temple Bar of England and Wales in 2010.

She works at Doughty Street Chambers as a practicing lawyer. Furthermore, she has experience practicing before global courts in The Hague, such as the International Criminal Court and the International Court of Justice.

She spent three years as a member of the Criminal Defense and Investigations Group at Sullivan & Cromwell in New York City, where she served clients like Arthur Andersen and Enron.


  • Appointed as a Special Adviser without a portfolio to the Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court, Karim Khan KC.
  • Appointed to the Public International Law Panel of the UK Attorney General's Office, a group of international law specialists tasked with providing advice and protecting the UK in national and international courts.
  • Appointed by the UK Foreign Secretary to serve as the country's Special Envoy for Media Freedom for the 2019–2020 term.


Clooney co-founded the Clooney Foundation for Justice in 2016 with her husband, George Clooney, and serves as its co-president. Their goal is to maintain the rule of law and protect human rights in a society where no one is above the law.

The group looks for proof of widespread attacks on human rights, offers victims legal help for free, and makes efforts to hold those responsible for violations accountable. CFJ is currently active in over 40 countries, looking into war crimes in the Ukraine and keeping an eye on fake trials that specifically target journalists and women.

Published works


  • Co-edited with D. Tolbert and N. Jurdi, Special Tribunal for Lebanon: Law and Practice.
  • Amal Clooney and Philippa Webb (2020). The International Law Right to a Fair Trial. Oxford University Press, New York. The UK Supreme Court has cited the book, which also won the top honor in academic book publishing by the American Society of International Law Certificate of Merit for High Technical Craftsmanship and Utility to Practicing Lawyers and Scholars.
  • Co-editor of Freedom of Speech in International Law alongside D. Neuberger.

Book chapters and journal articles

  • "Human Rights" is a chapter in Satow's Diplomatic Practice (7th Edition), edited by I. Roberts (Oxford University Press, 2017); an update for the 2022 edition is being worked on.
  • Together with P. Webb, "The Right to Insult in International Law?" published in Columbia Human Rights Law Review, Vol. 48, No. 2 (2017).
  • Anna Bonini, Amal Alamuddin (2014). "Chapter 4: The UN investigation of the Hariri assassination: The relationship between the UN investigation commission and the Special Tribunal for Lebanon: Problems of Principle and Practice".

Honors and Awards

  • 2016 Young Global Leader, World Economic Forum.
  • Global Citizen of the Year Award, United Nations Correspondents Association, 2018.
  • The Amal Clooney Award was created by Charles III in 2019 to honour "incredible young women".
  • During its virtual gala in 2020, the Simon Wiesenthal Center presented Amal and George Clooney with the Humanitarian Award.
  • 2020 Journalist Protection Committee "Extraordinary and sustained achievement in the cause of press freedom" has been honored with the Gwen Ifill Award.

Frequently Asked Questions:

Q. What makes Amal Clooney important?
The Clooney Foundation for Justice was co-founded by Amal and her husband, George. In national and international courts, she represents victims of human rights violations as a barrister with experience in international law and human rights.

Q. Is Amal a capable lawyer?
She is called "a rare combination of intellectual depth and pragmatism," "a brilliant legal mind," "a first-class international lawyer," and "a natural lead advocate" who is "tactically first class."

Q. Is Amal Clooney skilled in Arabic?
In 2022, Amal and her spouse George Clooney. Clooney is both a British and a Lebanese citizen. She speaks Arabic, French, and English with comfort.


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