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Bill Gates net worth 2024, Career profile and Achievements

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Bill Gates net worth 2024, Career profile and Achievements

Celebrity at a Glance

Name William Henry Gates III
Net Worth $152 billion
Birth Date October 28, 1955
Birth Place Seattle, Washington, United States
Gender Male
Height 5 feet 10 inches
Profession Entrepreneur
Nationality American

William Henry Gates and his childhood friend Paul Allen co-founded the American software company Microsoft. Gates is involved in writing, investing, and donating to valuable causes. Bill Gates was born on October 28, 1955. Gates held the most significant stake in the company until May 2014. He held multiple high-level positions at Microsoft, including chairman, CEO, president, and top software architect. He was crucial in helping different individuals to utilize microcomputers during the 1970s and 1980s. Let's dive deep into finding the top entrepreneur's net worth in 2024, career profile, achievements, and personal information.

Bill Gates net worth 2024

Bill Gates's net worth in 2024 is estimated at $152 billion. His primary source of income comes from the $15 billion in Microsoft shares. He generates an additional $70 billion through his various businesses and investments. In addition to being the wealthiest individual on the world, he has a reputation for generously giving things away. He serves as co-chair of The Bill and Melinda Gates organization alongside his wife, Melinda. It is the largest charity organization in the world. Microsoft products have been incredibly lucrative for Bill Gates, significantly contributing to his wealth. 


Net Worth

Bill Gates Net Worth in 2024

$152 Billion

Bill Gates Net Worth in 2023

$123 Billion

Bill Gates Net Worth in 2022

$110 Billion

Bill Gates Net Worth in 2021

$90 Billion

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Early Life

Bill Gates was born in Seattle, Washington, on October 28, 1955. He is the third person named William Henry Gates. Gates faced challenges with bullying during his childhood. He attended the prestigious Lakeside prep school at thirteen and simultaneously wrote his first computer program. He entered Lakeside in the eighth grade. The school's Mother's Club organized a fundraiser. It used the proceeds to purchase a Teletype Model 33 ASR terminal, providing the children with computer time on a GE system. Gates found it fascinating to utilize BASIC to program the GE computer.

On this machine, he created his initial computer program, a tic-tac-toe game. In this game, players competed against an automated opponent. The ban was lifted after it was discovered that Gates, Paul Allen, Ric Weiland, and Kent Evans had misused the school computer by taking advantage of operating system bugs. The four students formed the Lakeside Programmers Club out of their enthusiasm for exploring new opportunities. 

After recovering computer privileges, the boys volunteered to search for software bugs in return for extra time on the computer. Gates explored various computer programming languages, including Fortran, Lisp, and machine code. In 1971, a teacher at Lakeside approached Gates and Evans with a request to streamline the scheduling process of classes. Gates incorporated a code that allowed him to join classes with more attractive women, gratitude to his involvement in a software group with a unique approach.

Gates and Allen founded Traf-O-Data during their final year of high school. The company utilized the Intel 8008 chip to create traffic counters. After completing Lakeside School in 1973, he immediately enrolled at Harvard for the 1973-74 school year. Gates attended Harvard University, pursuing advanced computer science and mathematics studies. 

Bill Gates Career

To provide some background, Bill Gates and his late best friend Paul Allen founded Microsoft in 1975 to make computers accessible to every household. Currently, this idea is circulating globally. Eventually, Bill Gates relocated Microsoft to Washington, D.C. His incredible journey began at thirteen when he created his first computer program. 


Upon the release of the MITS Altair 8800, which utilized the Intel 8080 CPU, Bill Gates and Paul Allen recognized it as an opportunity to establish their own software company. The new microcomputer was manufactured by Micro Instrumentation and Telemetry Systems (MITS). Gates and Allen collaborated on the project following developing an Altair emulator for minicomputers and the BASIC language. Microsoft became a trademark on November 26, 1976. Throughout Microsoft's initial five years of operation, Gates personally reviewed and modified a significant amount of the distributed code. On November 20, 1985, Microsoft released the initial version of Windows for sale. 


One of Gates' notable achievements is founding Microsoft and establishing it as a global leader in the technology industry. He made significant contributions to the advancement of PCs and offered insightful criticism of the software industry. Gates founded the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, renowned for its philanthropic efforts in healthcare, education, and global development. 


Gates has received numerous awards and honors for his contributions to technology and charity. After being recognized as one of the most influential individuals of the 20th century by Time magazine, numerous universities bestowed upon him honorary degrees. In 2016, Barack Obama awarded him the prestigious Presidential Medal of Freedom. 

Personal life

The Life Story of Bill Gates William Henry Gates III is widely recognized as the American writer, investor, billionaire, and co-founder of Microsoft alongside Paul Allen. He was born on October 28, 1955. Gates played a significant role during the 1970s and 1980s when microcomputers became increasingly popular. In 1975, Gates and Allen founded the company in Albuquerque, New Mexico. Before January 2000, Gates held the positions of chairman and CEO until he was appointed chief software engineer. Gates enjoys playing golf, tennis, and bridge during his leisure hours. 


William Henry Gates III

Bill Gates Net Worth 2024

$152 billion

Date of Birth

October 28, 1955

Bill Gates age

68 years

Birth Place

Seattle, Washington, United States

Bill Gates height

5 feet 10 inches

Bill Gates daughter

Phoebe Adele Gates, Jennifer Gates

Bill Gates wife

Melinda French Gates

Bill Gates education

Harvard University (dropped out)

Bill Gates founded organizations

Microsoft Corporation, Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, TerraPower, Cascade Investment, The Giving Pledge, Traf-O-Data, Xbox Game Studios and more






What is Bill gates net worth 2024?

Bill Gates's net worth in 2024 is estimated at $152 billion

Why is Bill Gates famous?

He played a key role in establishing Microsoft, the largest software company globally for desktop computers.

Why is Bill Gates so rich?

Bill Gates used the profits from his software company, Microsoft, to invest in various other companies, including Deere & Co., a manufacturer of tractors, and Republic Services, a waste management company. Gates dropped out of Harvard to co-found Microsoft alongside Paul Allen. His fascination with computers began in his early years. 

What is Bill Gates doing now?

Bill Gates serves as the co-chair of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. As co-chair, he is responsible for establishing the organization's overall direction, making decisions on foundation plans, and advocating for foundation issues. 


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